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The Pieces that Built Me Page 6

  Andrea opened and closed her mouth a few times while trying to process everything I had just dropped on her. “Let’s back up. Daniel lives with some random person; I’m assuming it’s a better situation than Brenden though, right? At least Daniel won’t have access to any of that shit Brenden runs. Are you sure it was Corie? I just saw her the other day at church with her mom. She looked like she lost weight, but I wasn’t getting a drug addict read from her.”

  “I know who she is, Andrea. I wouldn’t lie about this.”

  “Alright. So, now what?”

  “I have no fucking clue. I tried to talk to August about it, but he never called me back.”

  She ran her fingers through the end of her ponytail. When I didn’t say anything, she waved her hand in front of herself. “Go on.”

  “There’s nothing else. I mean, I signed up for fall semester, but I already told you that.”

  “Nope, back up. What do you mean you texted August? I thought he was long gone, soaking up the sun in California, or wherever the hell his dad lives.”

  Thankfully the waiter walked over with our salads, giving me a few minutes to decide on what I should tell her. I still wasn’t sure what August and I were to one another. After taking a few bites, and making sure no one else was paying attention, I opened my mouth and the truth fell out.

  “I think I love him.”

  “Honey, that’s obvious. You’ve always been caught in his web. Are you guys talking? Dating? What? I need more details than you just texting him.”

  “I don’t know. He came to see me before he left. He kissed me and said he would be back for me. We’ve talked at least every other day, if not once a day since he left. At first, I thought it was just him being nice, but then he said he missed the sound of my voice. Who says that? That has to mean something right?”

  “That’s something.” After taking another bite of food, Andrea used her hands to cover her mouth as she asked me a question. “Does Daniel know?”

  “No. I haven’t told him anything. Any time we talk it’s mainly about him. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”

  “I get that, but you need to tell him. He got pissed the last time.”

  “I know, but what do I do? He’s my brother, not my dad. I can’t always answer to him.”

  Andrea smiled as she started doing a slow clap in the middle of the bistro. “And there she is. Folks, if I can have your attention, I have an announcement.”

  Glaring at her, I kicked her under the table, but she didn’t seem to care.

  “My friend, Arlington, this beautiful woman across from me, has just decided to finally be an adult and take care of her own needs. This is a huge step for her. Can we all give her a round of applause for finally putting herself first?” She slowly clapped and a few people from the tables surrounding us started to awkwardly clap along with her. Bitch. She knows I hate attention.

  As I tossed a napkin at her, my phone began to ring. Flipping her off, I answered, “Hello.”

  “Babe––where are you?”

  Motioning for Andrea to keep it down, I smiled. “I’m out to lunch with Andrea. You okay? You didn’t call me back.”

  “What do you think I’m doing now? Where are you at?”

  “I told you––I’m out to lunch. What’s up?”

  “Where is lunch?”

  Looking around, I took a quick glance at the people around me. “Um, we are at Bistro 55. Why?”

  “I just wanted to know where to find you.”

  “Wait, are you home? Don’t tease me, August. Tell me the truth.” The laughter on the other side of the phone made me smile. “Be serious.”

  “Technically, I’m not at home. I’m at your place trying my best to explain to your dad why I’m looking for you. What should I say, Babe?”

  “Is he there right now?”

  “Yep. He’s looking right at me. Should I be concerned about the wrench he’s gripping in his hand? He wants to know why I’m here. He thinks I’m here for your brother. What should I tell him?”

  Shit. My stomach sank as my lunch started to spin. I didn’t want to lie, but I didn’t know what to call us either. Looking across the table, I mouthed ‘help’ to Andrea. She just shook her head and held her hands up. So much for helping a friend in need.

  “You still there, Arls? Your dad is getting a little redder. What should I tell him?”

  “Put me on speaker.” Butterflies the weight of bricks jumped across my nerves.



  “Yeah, I’m here. What’s going on, Arlington?” The deep tone of his voice sent shivers along my spine. He hated when I went behind his back.

  “Don’t hurt, August. He’s not there for Daniel, I promise. I’ll be home in fifteen minutes. I mean it, leave him alone.”

  “Why should he, Arls? Tell him why I’m here.” August was intentionally leading me into a trap.

  “I don’t know why you’re there. You didn’t tell me you were coming home.”

  “Oh, that’s right. That’s because I came home to surprise my girl.”

  Blush filled my cheeks. “Am I your girl?”

  “Are you?”

  Closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Dad, please leave August alone until I get there. Don’t hurt my boyfriend. Just give me a few minutes.”

  “Boyfriend, huh? I’ll give you twenty and then he’s got to go. I don’t trust him. I suggest you get here quickly.” My dad’s voice echoed through the phone, followed by a strange clicking sound.

  “Babe, I will see you in a few minutes.”

  I could hear the cockiness in his voice. The jackass was proud of himself. “You did that on purpose.”

  “Yep. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  The line went dead and gently placed my phone back down on the table before grabbing a twenty out of my wallet. Tossing it down on the table, I looked up at Andrea. “I don’t know what just happened, but apparently my boyfriend is at my house and my dad is armed with a wrench.”

  “Boyfriend? So, you and August are something?”

  “I guess so. I just wish I would’ve known before he showed up at my place. My dad is probably furious.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. You’re not Daniel, Arls. He won’t be mad at you long.”

  “I’m sorry I have to cut this short.”

  “Don’t be. It’s fine. I have to go help my mom sort the food pantry at church, so I can’t stay that long anyways.” Andreas’s voice dropped to a low whisper as I grabbed my purse, dropping my phone inside. “Are you sure Corie is on something?”

  “Yeah. She looked bad. I know she was messing around with Brenden before. Maybe he got her hooked, too? She was a mess. This is going to sound bad, but I really hope Daniel stays away from her. Whatever she’s doing to herself is deadly. She wasn’t the same person I used to know, and he doesn’t need someone like that.”

  Andrea nodded her head and I walked outside to my truck. I knew that’s not what she wanted to hear since her and Corie were so close during high school, but I didn’t want to pad the truth for her either. She needed to see how poisonous Corie really was.

  As I pulled into the driveway I noticed a light blue Ford Taurus was parked in front of the garage. Putting the truck into park, I stepped out, cautiously walking towards the car. August always drove his mom’s old Lincoln. Don’t let it be Lilly’s car. Don’t let it be Lilly’s car.

  Holding my breath, I stepped into the house. A sigh of relief came over me when I saw August sitting awkwardly by my dad at the kitchen table. His eyes caught mine and for a second I forgot my dad was still there.

  “Arlington, this boy says he’s here because he missed you. What I don’t understand is why he had to fly several hundred miles, when he could’ve just called you. I know you two and Daniel were part of a pack. While I don’t trust your brother, I trust you. I also don’t think I can handle this right now, so I’m going to pretend that he’s not here. I’m going to Joe�
��s.” My eyes went wide as my dad grabbed his keys and looked August in the eyes. His voice let out a low rumble. “You hurt her, and I will fuck you up. She’s the only good thing in this life of mine. Break her, and I’ll break you. I lost my son to your fucked-up friends. I won’t lose anyone else.”

  I stood silently as I watched my dad take off on his bike to his friend’s house. Finally looking up, I faced August. “He’s mad.”

  “I don’t think so. It’s all a show. He knows me––there’s no way I would ever hurt you.”

  Nodding my head, I stepped closer and held out my hand. He took it without hesitation and I led him to my room. It wasn’t that I had intentions of doing anything in there, it’s just that it was the only place in the house where I truly felt comfortable. It was my own space and I wanted August in it.

  Once he was sitting on my bed, I quietly pushed my door shut. The only sound between us was the latch clicking into place. My heart was racing. There was a thoroughbred race rushing through my veins as I stepped closer to him. His teeth raked against his bottom lip as he tucked his shoulder length hair behind his ears. The soft waves framed his face and I was sure I was looking at a deity.

  I hadn’t seen him since the night he told me he was leaving. It wasn’t that long ago, and yet he was staring at me, looking like a completely different person. It was as if he had a grown and turned into someone different. His eyes were still the same, but his lean frame was now showing details of muscles hidden beneath his t-shirt. Swallowing, I stepped closer. With each step, it took me a minute before I became comfortable enough to take another step.

  “If you make me wait any longer to touch you, I’m going to explode.”

  “Death by explosion would be an interesting way to go.”

  “I don’t want to try it. Babe, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I just wanted to see you.” The softness of his eyes sparkled, and I could see the man I had become so obsessed with. My August was looking back at me in my room. I wasn’t going to waste my time with him.

  Taking another step closer, I wrapped one leg around his waist and then another. My lips gently brushed against his as his fingers danced across my skin under the edge of my shirt. Fireworks started to fill my belly and I knew exactly where I was going. I needed him. All of him.

  The way his fingers kneaded and pulled at my skin, as my hands knotted themselves in his hair, had my body reacting to him in ways I didn’t know were possible. Falling back onto the mattress, he took me with him. Sitting up, I looked down at the man beneath me. His tongue slowly slid across his lips as I lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it onto the floor. My breath hitched as his fingers traced the hardening pebbles under the lace of my bra. Goosebumps flashed over me as soft moan fell from my lips. My hips grinded against him of their own accord; I no longer had control of my body.

  Reaching behind my back, I unclipped the hooks of my bra, letting it slide off my shoulders before tossing it next to my shirt. His hands gently traced the curves of my bare skin. I felt the hardness of his cock still trapped in his jeans as I circled my hips against him once more.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I had honest intentions.”

  “Yes. You might have had honest ones, but I don’t. I want to feel you. Please, August.”

  “That’s sexy as fuck. I love when you say my name like that––all out of breath.”

  Blushing, I leaned down to kiss him again. I yelped when he sat up to meet me, while flipping me onto my back. My fingers eagerly pulled at his shirt, until only his bare torso was against my skin. All of this was so new to me, but I didn’t stop it. I wanted it. I wanted him.

  Soft kisses trailed across my belly, lower and lower, until he reached the zipper of my jeans, which were keeping him at bay. His fingers softly pulled at my jeans and I closed my eyes as I felt him slip my jeans to my ankles. One shoe, followed by the other was removed. I held my eyes closed tightly, wriggling against the sheets as I felt my panties slip down my legs, followed by the warmth of his fingers tracing the inside of my thighs. My heart hammered in my chest. The anticipation was killing me.

  I felt him pull away and my eyes opened to find August stepping out of his jeans. He stood in front of me, stroking himself. His arousal, him flying here––it was all because of me. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  Gently leaning over me, August brushed away the hair from my face. “You, okay?”

  Words escaped me. “Mmhmm.”

  “I could stop.”

  Shaking my head, no, I pulled his body down onto mine. His lips followed the curve of my neck as my fingers dug into his back. My breath caught in my throat as I felt him gently push against me.

  “Babe, trust me.”

  Nodding my head, I tightened my grip on his back.

  “Deep breaths. I’ll go slow.”

  I was so frightened and excited all at the same time. I had never kissed anyone before August. He was my first for everything. A gasp left my lips as I felt a pinch followed by a warm burn. “August.”

  Stilling himself above me, he pressed his lips to my forehead. “I know. Trust me.”

  Nodding my head, I moaned as I felt him pull from me. The pressure turned from pain to pleasure as he slowly eased back into me. Our bodies became slick with sweat. Instinctively, my legs wrapped around his waist, encouraging his every move. After dreaming about it for so long, August was finally making love to me.

  I watched as the veins in his neck tightened. Soft moans filled the room, followed by a sudden hiss through his teeth as he pulled from me, stroking his cock above me until every last bit of cum dripped from it. “Holy shit.” His lips curled into a wicked smile and I laughed.

  “Holy shit?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know what else to say. You stole my words. Don’t move.”

  The love I had for him poured over me, encasing me completely. I waited on the bed while he searched for something to clean me up with. “Arls, help me out here. Where would I find a towel?”

  “In the basket in the bottom of the linen closet.”

  “Linen closet?”

  “The closet in the hallway.”

  “Got it.” Quickly pulling on his jeans, August slowly opened my bedroom door and peered into the hallway before stepping out of the room.

  Laughter fell from my lips as I watched him rush back into the room, quickly slamming the door behind him. “Your dad’s not back, yet. God, I was so nervous.”



  “The towel?”

  “Sorry.” Shaking his head, he chuckled as he tossed me the towel. “That was rather sexy, wasn’t it?”

  “What do you mean?” Sitting up, I bent down to grab my clothes from the floor.

  “Me running into the hall and back in here like a scared cat.”

  Rolling my eyes, I slipped my arms into my bra as he pulled his shirt back over his head. He watched me so intently as I put myself back together. Once I was dressed, I scooted over on the bed making enough room for him. “Now what?”

  “Now we can do whatever you want. Want to stay here all day? I’m fine with that. Want to go out? I’m fine with that too. As long as I can breathe you in, anything is fine with me.”

  August always had a way with words. When he spoke, it was like he was handcrafting them just for me.

  DRIP! DRIP! DROP! The rain finally slowed down to a drizzle. It had been raining since early morning, and my dad was currently cursing at ‘a piece of rusted ass shit that needs to be blown up, not fixed’. At least that’s what he called it. It looked like a worn-out Harley, but I’m sure when it was new it was beautiful. Once my dad finished a bike it was always perfected back to its original beautiful self. Sometimes he would get a bike in such bad condition he would swear he needed two priests and holy water. He might have joked about it, but my dad was a good mechanic.

  DRIP! DRIP! DROP! A few more drops fell as I pushed opened the screen door. “Dad, are you coming
in for dinner?”

  “I’ll eat, eventually. You and August eat without me.”

  Shutting the screen door behind me, I turned around to look at August, who already had a hot roll shoved in his mouth. Giving me a wink, he tossed another one on his plate. Chuckling to myself, I sat down at the table and filled my own plate. We sat quietly, eating our dinner, staring at each other from across the table.

  I liked having August around, but I knew eventually he would go back to California. The rock star in him wouldn’t let him sit still for too long, but at that moment, he was mine and I wasn’t going to let go. For the past month, most of my time outside of work had been spent with August. The fall semester was just around the corner and I knew I had to squeeze in all the time I could.

  I still hadn’t told Daniel about August and me. He knew August was back because I had mentioned how August came by the house looking for him. Daniel seemed leery, but I held a straight face and I didn’t bring it up again. I was supposed to stop by my brother’s earlier to check on him, but with the truck having a flat, I didn’t want to risk a trip in the rain on a spare.

  August had already planned on coming over for dinner. It had been quickly adopted into my daily schedule. He was going to help me drop the truck off to get it fixed and then he was taking me out. He didn’t say where, but I was hoping somewhere full of people. I had felt so secluded from the world until August came back. I wanted noise, laughter, and crazy people.

  We finished our meal, neither one of us talking to the other. It was just soft smiles and our feet touching under the table. Once I finished, August cleared our plates and set them in the sink. I made a quick plate for my dad and popped it into the oven to keep it warm. God only knew when he would actually eat.