Shadows Page 17
"I love you, too." Softly placing a kiss to my forehead, he pulls me into his arms. His embrace swaddles me, capturing me in the moment, and making wanting to stay there forever. "I was wondering if you were ever going to wake. You were sleeping so soundly, I thought you might sleep through the night."
"I can't help it, you wore me out."
"I noticed. It wasn't my idea, but how can I say no to you?"
Looking up into his eyes, I give him my best come-hither look. "You can't."
Theron tilts his head back, releasing a booming laugh. "You amaze me. Are you hungry? I was thinking we could eat some dinner. I kind of worked up an appetite."
"I could eat."
"Great. Your mom called a couple of times looking for you, so you may want to give her a call."
"Okay." I take a step back to give him some room and he jumps down. Our bodies are standing so close together, the electricity between us is undeniable. He holds his hand out for me, a tingling sensation ripples across my skin as I place my hand in his. I follow him as he leads me through the kitchen to the couch in front of the fireplace.
"Sit." My body complies with his demands without thought.
He hands me my phone. "Call your mom."
I have three text messages and they are all from Kayla. Deciding to check them later, I give my mom a call.
"Hey, sweetie. Everything okay? How's your hand? What did they say? I talked to Robert a little bit this morning and he assured me Theron was taking good care of you, but if you need me I'll come there, or maybe you could come here. When do you see the doctor? What kind of medicine did they give you for pain?"
Who knew my mom was an interrogator for the FBI? She has to be some kind of mutant human, I don't think she is breathing between questions. Holding my phone away from me, I look over at Theron. He gives me a confused look. I tap the hold icon on the phone and start laughing.
"Can't you hear her? She hasn't taken one breath since she answered the phone. I'm adding this to my list of 'Things that are not a thing'. Number one hundred two; having a normal phone conversation with my mother."
"Wait, there's an actual list?"
"Well, I've never actually written them down, but it exists." Theron laughs at me as I tap the mute button once more and put the phone back to my ear. "Mom. Are you done?" She doesn't answer me, she just continues with her barrage of questions. "How can I answer or explain anything if you won't give me a chance?"
"Fine. What happened?"
"I broke my hand. Theron had Evan take us to the hospital. I had an x-ray taken and it turns out I have a boxer's break in my hand. They gave me some Vicodin and an anti-inflammatory. Everything is fine now."
"Everything is not fine, Evelyn. Did you get a cast?"
"No, just a splint."
"Robert told me you hit Theron's father. Is this true?"
"It's complicated." I know this answer won't pacify her detective side, but I can hope.
"No it isn't. You either hit him or you didn't. Which is it?"
"Yes, I hit him. There now you have all the information." Twirling my hair in my fingers, I stand and start pacing around the room.
"Why, what?"
"Why did you hit him? Quit playing games with me. You will not avoid this conversation young lady, now answer me."
"Fine, he insulted Theron's grandma. For some reason, I decided the best way to defend her was hitting him in the jaw. Unfortunately, I don't know how to hit and I ended up breaking my hand. I do believe I got my point across, though. Theron made him leave and then took me to the hospital. I don't know what my reasoning was. It was just an automatic reaction."
"I see. What I don't understand is why his father would be over there causing problems. It's his family. I would think he would want the best for them."
"I thought so too, but I was wrong. Listen, Mom, I'm okay, but I'm really hungry. We are going to eat some dinner and head to bed. I have work in the morning."
"How do you expect to work?"
"Theron already helped me with tomorrow's logs, so I'll have a head start. It will be fine. I'm sure my boss will understand."
"Alright, if you think that's best, than I won't argue with you. I love you, Eve. Now go enjoy your dinner."
"Okay. I love you too. Bye mom." I hit end call and look over at Theron in shock.
"What happened? You look like you have seen a ghost."
"No, not a ghost, but I'm in shock. My mom just told me she won't argue with me. Get a pen and write that down with the date and time. We need to record that as a first."
Laughing Theron says, "I'll get right on that."
I look back down on my phone as Theron gets up and walks into the kitchen. "I have three texts from Kayla."
"About what?"
"I don't know. I guess I'll find out."
"I know it's snowing out, but I thought maybe we could grill some chicken."
"It's snowing?"
"It's more of a rain snow mix. It's raining slush." He shrugs his shoulder as I turn to look at him. It’s typical Chicago region weather. I'm really starting to despise winter, or is it spring? Whatever it is, I hate it.
"Babe, please don't mention the 'S' word."
"What should I call it then? Because that's exactly what it is."
"Weather that shall not be named."
"I'm pretty sure that's Lord Voldemort."
"No, Voldemort is he that shall not be named."
"Right." Rolling his eyes he turns around and starts prepping dinner. "So, what did Kayla have to say?"
I look down at my screen and glance at the three rather long texts. At first, she's asking about my hand and seeing if I need any help with work. I love her. She really is my best friend. As I'm reading her text messages, my mood quickly changes from happy to confused. What the hell is she going on about? She's saying, I sent Anne a message in the work chat telling her not to come in tomorrow and she won't be needed back. What the hell? I haven't talked to Anne since I saw her at the meeting, besides I'm not management. I can’t let people go. Something is definitely off. I send her a quick text explaining I have no clue what she's talking about and another one to Anne to see what is going on.
"This can't be right." Chewing the inside of my cheek, I start trying to recall my last conversation with Anne. The last thing I knew was she was passed over for the management position that Bridgette took.
"What's not right?"
"Kayla said Anne got let go, and that I'm the one that sent the message, but I didn't. I sent them both a text trying to figure out what's going on." The light bulb above my head turns on. If it's a work chat, than I can view the message. Sitting down at the dining room table, I turn my laptop on and login to my work program. It takes a couple minutes for everything to load up so, I run my hands through my hair as I wait. I need to figure this out quick. The chat box pops up on the screen and I open my messages folder. It's empty besides a few I sent to Bridgette regarding some accounts, and the random messages I sent to Kayla. There's nothing here from or to Anne. Grabbing my phone, I send Kayla another message explaining how there's nothing in my chat.
Worry is now eating away at my thoughts. I'm using my fork to move my food around on my plate. Theron was sweet enough to stand in the slush to grill us some chicken, but I can't bring myself to eat much of it.
"I'm not sure what's going on, but you have to eat, beautiful. I'm sure there an explanation. When you get to work tomorrow talk to your boss and find out what's happening." He doesn't look up from his plate, not even when he calls me beautiful. Is he doubting me or is he hiding his eyes from me? Not saying anything, I take a bite of my chicken. It's delicious, but I'm not getting the full enjoyment from it. I check my phone for what's probably the fourth time, still no reply from Kayla or Anne. I have service so I don't understand what the issue is.
I'm clearing the table after dinner, when Theron stops me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Stop." He takes the plates from my hands,
setting them in the sink. "Chewing on your cheek and worrying about this isn't going to help. I want you to go take a hot shower and relax for a little bit. Gram has some work I need to tend to, but it shouldn’t take me too long."
Spinning me in his arms, he gently takes a hold of my broken hand. "Do you need me to wrap this for you?"
"No, I'll be fine. I'll keep it out of the water, I promise."
He places a soft kiss on my forehead before he returns to clearing up our mess.
Chapter 14
It's dark and I reach my hand out to feel for Theron, but his side of the bed hasn't been touched. I grab my phone, swiping the screen to see what time it is. It's a little after midnight. I can't imagine what kind of work with his gram would keep him this late, maybe she's hurt again, but I quickly dismiss the thought. I don't want the idea to take root and cause me anymore worry. Beside my phone, I notice some pills lying next to a glass of water, so I know he's at least been here to check on me. It offers me a little comfort, but not much. I take the pills gulping them down with the water. I try wiggling my fingers, they feel better, but they are still very sore. I lay my head back on the pillow staring up at the ceiling. It doesn't take long for the medicine to kick in and I drift back to sleep.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I sit up and grab my phone shutting off the annoying sound. Theron's pillow is smashed down and wrinkled along with the blankets on his side of the bed. He's definitely came to bed at some point, but I wish he would have stayed a little while longer. I don't like going to bed alone and waking up by myself. Knowing, he's been here and left already here isn't helping. My feet drop to the floor, looking over to the nightstand I notice a note on it.
I will do my best to be back before you leave for work. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you fell asleep last night. Even though you were sleeping, I still pulled your body close to mine. I needed your touch to breathe. I had to help Gram out again this morning. She's come across some information on a business she's interested in. There seems to be some kind of issue locating the actual owner. As soon as I'm done helping her fill out some paperwork with her signatures, I will be back home. If you're gone before I get there, please know I love you. I programmed my number into your cell. It's under handsome follower. I hope you are able to work things out with Kayla today. Please don't forget to make an appointment with your doctor for your hand.
I love you, beautiful, to the end of time and back again.
Saddened I only had a note to greet me and not Theron, I get ready for work. I've showered, dressed, and had some fruit for breakfast. I'm just about to leave when I have sudden feeling I've forgotten something. Heading to our bedroom to take a quick look around, I notice the note. It brings a soft smile to my lips. I quickly grab it and drop it into my purse. I'm forgetting to say goodbye to Theron. I scroll through the contacts in my phone as I walk outside to my car. Slipping into my car, I find his name and send him a quick text.
Babe, I missed you. The note was beautiful, I love it. Text me later and lmk what's going on. Love you xxoo
Dropping my phone into my purse, I start the car and head to work. I get to work about fifteen minutes early, the parking lot all but empty. It's just Ben's and Bridgette's car today. If I can clock in and make it back to my desk before Kayla gets here, I might be able to pull Bridgette aside and let her in on what's going on. I'm sure it's just some kind of mix up. Anne is a great employee and friend. I don't want to lose her over a miscommunication.
The office is eerily quiet this morning. I feel like I'm the only one here. Setting my purse under my desk, I slide into my chair and turn on the computer. It only takes a few seconds before I'm logged into the program. I check my work chat messages again, and there's still nothing to or from Anne. I hear my phone vibrating in my purse. Making a quick glance outside of my cubicle, checking for anyone else who may be around, I open my phone. It's a text from Theron.
Beautiful, Sorry I wasn't there. Please keep your phone on you today. I may need to get a hold of you depending on the reports I'm waiting on. Did you call your doctor? Love you. Xo
I always have my phone on me. It lives in my purse. What kind of reports is he waiting on and more importantly, why would it concern me? I send him a quick reply.
Babe. My phone will not leave my purse today. I'm waiting for the office to open. I promise I'll let you know once I hear something from them. Love you. Xxoo
"Eve, is that you hon?" Shit! I drop my phone quickly back into my purse and kick it farther underneath my desk as Bridgette approaches. "Oh, good it is you. I just wanted…Oh my! What happened to your hand?" She places her hand on her hip and her mouth falls open. If I didn't know better, I would say she's putting on an act, but there's no way she knew about my hand.
"I broke it messing around in the kitchen. I'm not the world's greatest chef. I did my accounts for today from home yesterday, so I won't fall behind with my work."
She stares blankly at me, assessing me, trying to decipher if I'm telling the truth or not. "Yes. I noticed that. I was just coming over to thank you for making the initiative. I've been going through your file. You don't have very many errors, and those you did have were corrected in a timely fashion. Your attendance is astounding and your work is always finished ahead of schedule. For those reasons and the respect you receive from your coworkers, I've decided to promote you to Team Manager. I hope to have the office repainted and set up for you by the end of the day. I have a crew in there now. So please forgive me for the delay, but you will have to continue at your desk for the day."
Boom! I feel like my chair has been pulled out from under me sending me falling into never ending abyss. The position of Team Manager only confirms Anne's termination. I do not want to be the reason she was let go. This looks awful, there's no way I won't look guilty now. "What about Anne?"
"Sadly, I had to let her go. You are definitely more qualified and I need to cut our payroll. So I let her go. I sent her a letter yesterday morning to try and spare her the grief of coming in just to be sent back home."
"A letter? Kayla never said anything about a letter. She said Anne received a message through the office work chat, and believed it was me."
"I will gladly clear that up for you, however, please note there should be no talk of other employees outside of work. I will make an exception this once, since you were unaware of the rule, but it can't happen again."
"Oh." I'm at a loss for words. This is completely insane. In what world am I more qualified than Anne? I have a sinking feeling in my stomach, nothing good is going to come from this.
"Oh, I would like you to schedule us for a lunch at noon for the two of us. It will be a business meeting of sorts. Don't worry about clocking out today, your position is now salary. We can discuss the terms at lunch." Turning on her heel, she heads back to her office.
There is no way I can accept the position, knowing I'm the reason she let Anne go. I'm nervously chewing on the inside of my cheek when, I notice Kayla take a seat in her cubicle. I debate on whether or not to approach her. Should I wait for Bridgette to talk to her, or should I talk to her now? Desperate for advice, I send a text to Theron explaining my predicament. While I wait for Theron to text me back, I turn around to face my computer and begin working on tomorrow's logs. Only being able to use one hand and is definitely creating an obstacle for me. I definitely owe Theron a huge thanks for helping get ahead. Taking a deep breath, I roll my shoulders. My level of stress and craziness is getting close to the max fill line. My purse starts vibrating under the desk, again. Theron has finally texted me back.
Babe. I don't know what to say. It seems off to me. There's something not right about any of this. Come home. We'll figure this out together. I'm headed to Gram's. Love you. Xxoo
As enticing as his offer sounds, I can't come home. I need to figure this out, if not, I at least need to clear my name. Pulling up my big girl panties, I start to wal
k over to Kayla's cubicle.
"She's not at her desk. It seems you're putting the last nail in everyone's coffin."
Looking over my shoulder, I see Ben sitting smug at his desk. I’m not taking any of his crap today, so I walk over to his desk. He turns to face me, and my immediate reaction is to feel sympathy for the buttons on his shirt. I wonder if today will be the day his buttons pop off exploding around the room released from the strain of holding his shirt together. A smirk forms on my face as I imagine one of the buttons popping off, hitting him in the eye. Placing both palms flat on his desk, I lean in close to him. "What are you talking about? You are nothing, but a smug asshole. If you have any idea what is going on here, you better tell me every single detail." My voice is laced with hatred for him. I don't care anymore.
"Calm, down. All I know is Ms. Clarks was waiting for her when she clocked in. She mentioned your name, something about breaking protocol, and wanted to see her in her office."
"Shit." None of this is good. I plop back down at my desk, jiggling my mouse, lighting up my computer screen. It's eleven thirty, leaving me thirty minutes until my lunch with Bridgette. Worrying my lips with my teeth, I come to a decision. None of this matters, I need to remove myself from the situation.
An alarm starts going off on my phone, reminding me to schedule an appointment with the doctor. I'm on hold for about five minutes before I even speak to anyone and at least ten minutes waiting for a nurse to get back to me. They schedule me for tomorrow morning at ten. I send Theron a text.
Babe. Doctor appointment tomorrow @ 10am. Kayla's in the office with my boss. She's been in there all morning. What is going on?
Beautiful, I will take you to your appointment. Please come home.
I can't. I have lunch with my boss. I've decided to quit. I can't take my friends job. You'll have to put up with me while I find a new one. I promise I won't be a leech.
Beautiful, you are not a leech. I love you. Write a resignation letter and hand it to her. Come home.